Author: Natalie Randall

Meritking’s Sport News Tells of the Record-Breaking Broadcast Media Art Deal Clinched by the NBA

An art-related news article that appeared in the, tells of the record breakin 11-year broadcast rights agreement clinched by the NBA. The massive package valued at $76 billion involves Amazon, Disney and NBC, includes a $2.2 billion Women’s NBA (WNBA) payout also for 11 years for the next rights deal.

professional basketball playoffMeritking’s report indicates how the art of broadcasting is harnessed by the National Basketball Association as a tool for reaching audiences globally. The creation of audio and video content and their distribution by way of television, radio and the Internet is recognised as an g art that can effectively expand and grow the size of the audience that will receive the news and advertisements distributed by broadcast media channels.1

In the world of sports, such forms of creative art are ways of keeping fans connected. Doing so enables aficionados and enthusiasts alike to receive timely and accurate updates.

Following the 2023 NBA season to which the Boston Celtics emerged as champions, the NBA management entered into a broadcast media deal that aims to bring up-to-the-minute sports insights to mass audiences, The goal is to boost the popularity of basketball on a global scale by leveraging TV and radio advertising deals.

Overview of the Record-Breaking Broadcast Media Deal Clinched by the NBA

professional basketball courtThe NBA management’s record-breaking agreement gives Amazon, Disney and NBC broadcast rights for 11 years starting with the 2025-2026 playoffs. The league will likewise benefit from the agreement as the multibillion dollar deal is a substantial gain that spans for more than a decade.

However, TNT, the current owner of the NBA media rights said that its company will use its matching rights as a w Read More

How Art Institutions are Helping Individual Artists Achieve Sustainability Goals

People in the art world have been conveying powerful messages about environmental issues, social injustices and political policies that favor only the rich. Art activists have been bringing their artworks to places where they can be viewed by those who will take serious actions out of love for the earth and its natural surroundings. Yet how have art institutions transformed and what have they been up to in meeting the sustainability goals previously outlined by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

UK’s Gallery Climate Coalition

The Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC), is a UK-based non-profit organization founded in 2020. It primarily offers a carbon calculator tool specifically tailored to the operation of businesses belonging to the commercial arts sector. The tool, which is available to use free-of-charge, helps calculate the estimated total carbon footprint based on measurements common to art galleries across today’s international art world. The GCC also offers online resources in the form of such as actionable guidelines, case studies, videos and carbon audit reports.

Julie’s Bicycle

A non-profit organization founded in 2007 in London, Julie’s Bicycle works with creative and art industries in helping them navigate climate change actions and high impact sustainability approaches. Julie’s Bicycle also provides free-to-use carbon calculator tools designed specifically for the creative industries. Moreover, Julie’s Bicycle hosts climate conversations and sustainability courses that many public art institutions harnessed in launching their sustainability programmes.

Galleries Commit

New York-based Galleries Commit is a worker-led organization coming from galleries, art alliances, and artists who have all made a formal commitment to shift to a climate-conscious future.

In addition to GB created a Climate Action Plan template and Climate Action Database. It offers a framework for structuring a sustainability action plan. GC platform shares examples of sustainability actions taken by galleries, while others have signed pledges to help those looking to adopt changes in making their art business sustainable.

Art to Zero

An organization of New York-based visual art organizations, Art to Zero takes action on climate change by working directly with individual artists to help them shift to clean energy. As many artists prefer to hold exhibit in outdoor locations they can be provided with resources, technologies and strategic tools like ground protection mats for the soil; or offers of virtual solutions following hybrid models for holding remote exhibits.

Online Art Communities – A Way to Virtually Communicate and Socialize with Like-Minded People

Modern day artists are far luckier today in the sense that with just a click or tap, they can be in an online art community to convene with like-minded people. Not many would be willing to live life as a budding artist because it’s one in which many hours are spent alone inside a studio devoid of petty social distractions.

Yet there’s also the need to communicate or at least socialize with people who inspire by sharing helpful insights to those still striving to be recognized in their field of art. Whether you’re a painter, a sculptor, a photographer, a digital artist, a music composer, a dancer-choreographer, or simply one still undecided on giving your artistic skills a chance to flourish, there are an online art communities
In which you can belong.

An open online art community website is where you can be amongst people who have similar thought processes as yours, when looking to create, design or perform artistically. Still, being an Internet space where you are allowed to share your thoughts and ideas so you can further improve or enhance your capabilities as an artist, it’s also important to choose an online art community by first checking out its features.

Helpful Features of an Online Community

As it is in the Internet space, there are unscrupulous individuals who are always on the lookout for people they can scam or dupe, by becoming members of an online communities themselves.

First off, an online community website must operate as an open platform that does not require members to pay membership fees. Nonetheless, some online communities offer special online services or tools that a member can avail for minimal fees but only as an option.

Rules, Guidelines and Administrative Oversight

While an online community is one where members or participants can freely communicate, the platform must have rules and regulations that members should follow. A site administrator imposes such rules to ensure that toxic behaviors and attitudes will not pervade in the online community. Otherwise, allowing the use of foul languages or exhibition of antisocial behaviors, will negate the helpful benefits that bring members together to meet in a dedicated platform.

Verification of Professional Credentials

While one of the benefits of joining an online community is to have a chance to get insights from professionals who have established successful careers in the related fields, it is important that the site makes sure their credentials and their motives are valid. Members of online communities tend to believe that all people they will meet via the platform are of upright reputation, which makes them more vulnerable to possible manipulations.

Visibility and Systematic Features

Online community platforms must have visibility features that will enable participants to view and discover examples of what is being shared. That way, it will be much easier for an artist to understand discussion about topics that go beyond his realm of understanding particularly in emerging technologies.

Now more than ever, and with the development of new methods by which artists can sell profitably from their art works, the discovery process is much easier if there are.visual examples or demo videos that can make comprehending new tools, applications and concepts. It’s also important to have system that will keep the rights of those who share their materials and ideas protected against opportunists who will use them for their own personal advantage.

An online community for adult games for one, is where people with preferences for games that others generally, do not like. An adult game online community is important for them because it’s a place where they feel they belong. The adult games community known as f95 zone as an example, gives members assurance that in sharing their thoughts, and opinions about adult games, they will be communicating with fellow adult-game players who observe and practice respect and cooperation.

Rat Art in Chinese and Western Cultures Present Contrasting Views of the Animal

Through artworks that feature rats as subject, there’s a contrasting difference of rat reputation in Chinese and Western cultures, particularly in the UK. While traditional Chinese paintings show rats as symbols of wealth, abundance and intelligence, traditional Western artworks that include rat images are often related to conditions of squalor and notoriety.

The high esteem for rats in Chinese culture is demonstrated through its inclusion in the list of 12 prominent animals representing the zodiac symbols in China’s calendar system. The rat symbol actually kick starts the first year of a 12-year cycle, the most recent Year of the Rat being year 2020. Although the rat symbolism denoted prosperity and surplus, the exact opposite happened and is still happening in 2021, not only in China but across the globe.

What Chinese Horoscope Readers Predicted about the 2020 Year of the Rat

it’s interesting to note that the website had a different prediction about the 2020 Year of the Rat. Their read of the year’s horoscope indicated challenges in terms of health and financial conditions.The website’s horoscope had foreseen a negative energy from a so-called annual Flying Star 5; of how it could result in unpredictable situations, impediments and obstacles occurring during the first half of the year.

Famous UK Street Artist Banksy’s Popular Rat Graffitis

Sometime in July 2020, the UK’s famous but mysterious street artist Banksy came out with several pandemic-themed art. One of which included a rat graffiti that appeared in a London underground train station. It featured images of rats in face masks, which the artist captioned as “If you don’t mask – you don’t get” The art work apparently pointed to the UK government’s indecisiveness in making it mandatory for people to wear face masks in public places.

Banksy has been using rat graffiti to express social commentaries on how the growing rat population could once again allow another to hit the country. He gave the title “Our Time Will Come” to one such rat graffiti art stenciled in a busy London street.

His “Rat Radar” suggested that as the rodents are spreading throughout the country, they are not just scavenging for food, but are also observing and listening to what is happening in the surroundings. The art actually has a double meaning, as it also denotes Banksys’ criticism of the government’s increasing surveillance systems and activities in London.

The Art and Science of Rat Control in the U.S.

Like in many other countries, the U.S. consider rats as nuisance animals, which if not controlled would result in infestations. Wildlife control companies that render rodent removal services remind the public that rat issues in the home should be taken seriously. Rats, like other wildlife animals, are also carriers of disease-causing viruses. The hantavirus for one, is a rat borne disease that could easily spread, if rats are allowed to invade and infect spaces in which humans live, eat and interact.

While there is still no scientific evidence of how the COVID-19 coronavirus evolved into another type of SARS, the hantavirus disease has been considered as a possible contributor. After all, hantavirus is also a common cause of pulmonary disease in China but is said to be still rare in the U.S. Mainly because rat control and removal is widely addressed across American states.

How Market Research and You Can Help Artists Find and Grow Their Audience

Art is basically a tool for self-expression but not all artists find it a rewarding profession. We all heard stories of how artists in previous eras reached the right audience only after their lifetime.

Today, artists have greater opportunities for understanding and eventually cross the barriers that prevent them from reaching their audience. Market research is a concept that applies even to artists. Gallery and museum curators use art market research reports and analysis when building art collections that are relevant to the present day interests of art consumers.

While museum market research has been around decades ago, the breadth and depth of the analysis being conducted for the art industry today is now more extensive. This then gives us an understanding why many tourists now find it enriching to visit the museums and galleries in the places they visit.

After all, prominent art institutions are constantly exploring new ways to learn what many of their visitors like. They use art research reports and market analysis as guides on what to build and exhibit as new art collection.

The principle of course also works wonders for artists. As creators, they can also harness marketing research when conceptualizing ideas to present on canvass, or any other medium of visual art. The most common approach to gathering data is by way of survey questionnaires that market research firms deploy by way of emails, or to operators of paid survey platforms.

So if you are an art buff who finds enjoyment in engaging in social media discussions about art, be in the know that you can also make money taking surveys.

Still, there are online sites that also take advantage of using paid surveys in carryingnout online scams. Avoid them by knowing how to distinguish legitimate paid survey platforms from the illegitimate fly-by-night paid survey operators.

What Legitimate Paid Survey Platforms Offer

Since market research firms pay for surveys only within the limit of the budget of their clients, you cannot expect big rewards on every single art research project. The key to earning big from this side gig is to answer as many art survey questions available in the list provided by the paid survey platform.

Now if the operator asks payment of a membership fee before you can get hold of such lists that is already a red flag. Do not sign up since legitimate survey platforms do not ask for any kind of fee whatsoever.

You should also be wary of large offers of remuneration because in truth, many market research firms work on a limited budget. Some business organizations that have a direct collaboration with paid survey market platforms may only reward survey takers with free items, discounts or promo deals. .

A typical paid survey platform makes it easy for survey takers to use their site. That way you can complete as many surveys as you can. Keep this in mind because if a platform has an exceptionally long process before you earn points that qualify for payment, it is likely that the only thing that the site was after is your personal information.

Look into the relevance of the survey projects in your geolocation. Keep in mind that your data is valuable only if it is useful to the market research firm. This denotes that if the paid survey sites are offering survey projects not relevant to your country of origin, e.g. politics, climate conditions or education, you are only being lured for an illegal purpose that is not at all linked to market research.

Get Your Craftworks in the Thick of the Holiday Rush Through Instagram

Many artists are now finding Instagram as a productive outlet for their artistic work. Although exhibiting at fares and in trade shows is a great approach to reaching and meeting your target market, as well as in creating brand awareness, the same can be achieved through Instagram with fewer hassles.

Posting high quality content with your crafts as main subject will pretty much show what your artistic skills can create with ingenuity.. Not a few artisans have discovered the convenience and benefits of sharing IG photos of their craftsmanship.

Consumers, who are also IG users, are likewise looking closely at the latest Instagram feeds about innovative products. Some of them would be retailers of toys and novelty items; boutique owners on the lookout for fashionable accessories. Some others would be party celebrants looking for mementos to hand out as giveaways, or simply a specific demographic of consumers who have developed a need, or appreciation for your kind of craftwork.

Join the Holiday Rush by Making Consumers Look Your Way via Instagram Posts

Now that the holiday rush is here, with many still needing to buy special gifts, you have shared lots of photos of what your products look like up close and in different angles at social media sites.

Remember though, you have to make it to the top of the news feed to attain visibility. This denotes that you have to work on the social media drivers like tags, hashtags and quality of content.

But mind you, you have to do some research. Find out what other artisans already ahead in the competition are currently up to and the hashtags they are using for their posts.Know he focal points they discuss with followers, since engagement is a significant aspect when it comes to growing your own league of followers.

You probably know by now that the greater the number of followers interested in your IG photos, the greater your chances of making it to the top of the latest feed. After all, followers represent the topic or niche that are popular to Instagram users.

As the holiday rush intensifies, many last minute shoppers turn to online stores as the next best place to look for great finds. In case you are not seeing your recent posts appear prominently as feeds, it means you have to speed things up, just so you won’t miss the opportunities presented by the holiday rush.

Growing More Followers on Instagram

Organic followers are the most bankable drivers of popularity in social media platforms. The reality however, is that it takes time before you can grow the figures.

Consider joining art sharing sites that can help you connect to your target market; but then again, there is no guarantee that such sites can yield the number of followers needed to boost the visibility of your Instagram posts.

Another option is to avail the services of social media marketers who have the resources to mobilize people who will follow your Instagram posts. Discover woogram, a Dutch company dedicated to connecting people with similar interests and willing to support your Instagram channel as followers.

Explore the benefits of social media marketing services offered by woogram – meer volgers op Instagram, which roughly translated means “more followers on Instagram.” The company gives guarantee that only genuine followers will be connecting and interacting with you through your Instagram posts.

Topping that guarantee is the offer of a personal assistant who will take care of managing your follower engagement. Thst way, you can have more time to devote on your business once your products are already in the thick of the holiday rush.
