
Feeling Bored And Lonely In This Lockdown Period? Use The Time To Enthuse Your Kids To Art

The coronavirus disease of 2019 or COVID-19 has already been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), meaning that the deadly virus causing the pneumonia-like illness, or the SARS-CoV 2, has already been infecting a huge number of the global population at a very alarming rate. In late 2019, reports coming from Wuhan, China already gave the world some sort of a heads-up that a health crisis could come knocking in everyone’s door sooner or later. However, the world was still caught off guard by the way COVID-19 has spread in every continent, forcing major cities from Asia to the Americas to enforce lockdown measures.

Probably you are one of the millions of people all over the world who have no choice but to stay inside their homes in hopes that the spread of the novel coronavirus would be halted. People are also expected to practice social distancing and avoid mass gatherings, which means that you only have yourself and your household to interact with.

This does not have to be a sad thing, though, especially for the kids in your house. Why not take this as an opportunity to introduce the children into new and fun activities, like creating artworks?

Before all the mess that COVID-19 has brought upon the world, people can always enjoy the comfort of their homes and look for something interesting to do. The kids can also have the weekends to spend their free time playing and discovering new hobbies. In the time of home quarantine, however, looking for fun stuff to do can be challenging, as you tend to do the same thing over and over again. Back then, people can gather and attend to fun group activities together, like making awesome murals for the community.

As families are stuck inside their homes as a precaution against the pandemic, doing art activities is a great choice to form a special bond among the family members. For the children, especially, teaching them about art is a great moment for them to see you as parents who can introduce them to a lot of new things, therefore further securing your position as their role models. Also, making them busy with art will make them develop special skills that may later on become useful. With your IPTV smarters, you can easily watch informative video clips with your children to make them inclined towards art.

Who knows, one of your kids has the talent to be a great artist, and making him or her appreciate art during the home quarantine period would be the start of a wonderful, artistic journey?
