art materials

Best Practices to Maintain Your Art Materials

In the world of art, every single medium has frailties. It is just up to you on how you are going to take care of them and prolong its life. Luckily, seasoned and experienced artists are very generous in sharing valuable information on how to do just that. From the necessity of contacting squirrel control Glasgow to prevent your art materials be infested to keeping it in its tip-top condition, you will learn about it here.

Golden Rule

Whenever you are moving your drawings and tools, all your media has to be stored in cases to keep them secured and safe during transport. Charcoal is so fragile and just drops of its pigments on paper and on table and not to mention, graphite pencils, can easily break after fall.

If you could, try keeping the workspace clean. At the same time, you need to have a dry and clean rag beside or near you or at least, an absorbent paper to quickly wipe your hands. This ensures that your workspace is clean at all time.

Tools with Leads and Proper Maintenance for them

Color as well as graphite pencils have lead in it which frequently break even if their inside the wood casings. You have to protect them from any kind of strong vibration or sudden shock.

When you are working with various pencils at once, avoid putting them side by side or laying it down and then, picking it up again. Preferably, hold it with your other hand.

In regards to cleaning color pencils after sharpening them, you have to pass the lead with the paintbrush to be able to remove color residue.

Friendly reminder: Sharpen the pencils by hand because using utility knife or knife for sharpening provides better control of length, support and form.

Clean the Erasers

If in case your eraser is soiling your drawing, then it only indicates that it is too dirty. Clean the classical erasers simply by rubbing it with cotton cloth or by washing them in a soapy water. Of course, make sure that they are completely dry prior to another use to achieve expected results.
