Game Design

Game Design In Pillar Of Gaming As Art Form

Game design is a modern-day phenomenon that must undoubtedly be considered an art form.

Definition of game design

The term is used in the field of game development and includes the theoretical elaboration of a game world that contains certain rules and characters just like in PillarOfGaming. Game design is based on theoretical considerations and practical implementations to create a fictional or reality-based world in the form of a game.

Depending on the target audience and the overall purpose of the game, the game design must incorporate psychological as well as ethical components, while never neglecting the importance of proper marketing. At the end of the game development, graphic artists, programmers, designers, and other team members, such as musicians, work together on theory and practice.


Computer and video games as works of art

Not every computer or video game is automatically called a work of art. However, there is a lot of work and creativity behind many games. Works of art should have viewers and generate reactions. Computers and video games often do just that.

Incredible worlds are created, good examples of which are famous games like Final Fantasy or Word of Warcraft. The games have fans all over the world who would, without a doubt, attest that these games are works of art. Creative and unique characters are created and the entire development of the games is a creative process. These games have the ability to move people even though they are not real. But they generate real reactions and emotions.

Games in online casinos

Browser games, such as those found in online casinos, are often much simpler than classics like Final Fantasy, which require years of planning. Nevertheless, these games can also be regarded as an art form. They generate reactions, stimulate thought, and are able to trigger emotions. The marketing aspect also plays an important role. Games in online casinos are designed in such a way that they encourage you to try them out directly.

A well-known developer of casino software is Net Entertainment. The software giant from Sweden is one of the best in the industry and shows that the demand for browser-based games is constantly increasing. In the gaming scene, slot machines such as “Gonzo’s Quest” or “Starburst” are familiar to every player. Most of the games seem to have a simple design, but that is exactly what makes them so successful. They are based on intelligent concepts, and are accessible and playable anytime, anywhere. Despite a simplistic design, they are very popular and the developers know exactly which concepts to pursue.
